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In finance, an exchange rate also known as a foreignexchange rate, forex rate, ER, FX rate or Agio between two currencies is the rate at which one currency will be. Rose, Blanchard, Blazed, Blossom, Bodkin, Bogsley, Boingo, Bonham, Botica, Bradley, Braxton, Brittany, Brownie, Bubbly, Bullwinkle, Bumper, Bunker, Butterscotch, Cajalco, Camelot, Candles, Candles. Chrome, Candy, Canterbury, Cappuccino, Capsule, Carbiner, Carousel, Carrington, Carson, Casanova, Catfish, Cathedral, Catnip, Cecily, Ceremony, Challenge, Chamberlain, Chance, Chantilly, Cheetah, Chilled, Chocolate, Chopstick, Chump, Conniption, Corrigan, Corrosion, Crawford, Cyborg, Daffodil, Dakota, Danferno, Dantes. Inferno, Darcie, Daytona, Delineator, Dementia, Diamondhead, Donika, Donnah, Dribble, Einstein, Elizabeth, Energy, Espresso, Espresso. BI, Fabrese. 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