Hkey_Local_Machine Software Policies Microsoft Windows Safer Codeidentifiers Authenticodeenabled
Guestecho Version mm. CHICAGO mm. GuestechoVersionmm. infechosignatureCHICAGOmm. Revision1 mm. Privilege Rights mm. Se. Deny. Network. Logon. Right mm. Summer. Rainarchive2. XP2. 00. 3gpupdatereginfsdb6versionsignatureCHICAGOSystem AccessMinimum. Password. Length 6. Password. Complexity 1gp. XPwindirsecuritylogsscesrv. MSDNwindirsecuritytemplatesechoecho version 1. CHICAGO 1. Event Audit 1. Audit. System. Events0 1. Audit. Object. Access0 1. Audit. Privilege. Use0 1. Audit. Policy. Change0 1. Audit. Account. Manage0 1. Audit. Process. Tracking0 1. Audit. DSAccess0 1. Audit. Account. Logon0 1. Audit. Logon. Events0 1. XP2. 00. 3XPXPipcGuestregecho Windows Registry Editor Version 5. HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetControlLsa 1. CHICAGO 1. Registry Values 1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaForce. Guest4,0 1. WindowsinfNew. Administrator. NamexxxXP2. XP2. 00. 3RSo. Pgpresultinfsecedit analyzeseceditsecedit . Mit Software Restriction Policies SRP bzw. SAFER, auf Deutsch Richtlinien fr Softwareeinschrnkung lt sich festlegen, welche Programme unter. How do I check if the current batch script has admin rights I know how to make it call itself with runas but not how to check for admin rights. The only solutions I. WindowsWindows. Group. PolicyAdm regedit s yourreg. UnicodeUnicodeyesSystem AccessMinimum. Password. Age 0. Maximum. Password. Age 4. 2Minimum. Password. Length 6. Password. Complexity 0. Password. History. Size 0. Lockout. Bad. Count 6. Reset. Lockout. Count 3. Lockout. Duration 3. Require. Logon. To. Change. Password 0. Force. Logoff. When. Hour. Expire 0. New. Administrator. Name AdministratorNew. Guest. Name GuestClear. Text. Password 0. LSAAnonymous. Name. Lookup 0. Enable. Admin. Account 1. Enable. Guest. Account 0Event AuditAudit. System. Events 0. Audit. Logon. Events 1. Audit. Object. Access 0. Audit. Privilege. Use 0. Audit. Policy. Change 0. Audit. Account. Manage 0. Audit. Process. Tracking 0. Audit. DSAccess 0. Audit. Account. Logon 1VersionsignatureCHICAGORevision1Registry ValuesMACHINESoftwareMicrosoftDriver SigningPolicy3,1. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionSetupRecovery. ConsoleSecurity. Level4,0. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionSetupRecovery. ConsoleSet. Command4,0. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonAllocate. CDRoms1,0MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonAllocate. DASD1,0MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonAllocate. Floppies1,0MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonCached. Logons. Count1,1. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonForce. Unlock. Logon4,0. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonPassword. Expiry. Warning4,1. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWinlogonSc. Remove. Option1,0MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionPoliciesSystemDisable. CAD4,0. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionPoliciesSystemDont. Display. Last. User. Name4,0. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionPoliciesSystemLegal. Notice. Text7,MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionPoliciesSystemSc. Force. Option4,0. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionPoliciesSystemShutdown. Without. Logon4,0. MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionPoliciesSystemUndock. Without. Logon4,1. MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSaferCode. IdentifiersAuthenticode. Enabled4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaAudit. Base. Objects4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaCrash. On. Audit. Fail4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaDisable. Domain. Creds4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaEveryone. Includes. Anonymous4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaFIPSAlgorithm. Policy4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaForce. Guest4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaFull. Privilege. Auditing3,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaLimit. Blank. Password. Use4,1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaLm. Compatibility. Level4,2. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaMSV10NTLMMin. Client. Sec4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaMSV10NTLMMin. Server. Sec4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaNo. Default. Admin. Owner4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaNo. LMHash4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaRestrict. Anonymous4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaRestrict. Anonymous. SAM4,1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlPrintProvidersLan. Man Print ServicesServersAdd. Printer. Drivers4,1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlSecure. Pipe. ServersWinregAllowed. Exact. PathsMachine7,SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlProduct. Options,SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlServer Applications,SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. Version. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlSecure. Pipe. ServersWinregAllowed. PathsMachine7,SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlPrintPrinters,SystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesEventlog,SoftwareMicrosoftOLAP Server,SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionPrint,SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionWindows,SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlContent. Index,SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlTerminal Server,SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlTerminal ServerUser. Config,SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlTerminal ServerDefault. User. Configuration,SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent. VersionPerflib,SystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesSysmon. Log. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlSession ManagerKernelOb. Case. Insensitive4,1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlSession ManagerProtection. Mode4,1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlSession ManagerSub. Systemsoptional7,Posix. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLan. Man. ServerParametersAuto. Disconnect4,1. 5MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLan. Man. ServerParametersEnable. Forced. Log. Off4,1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLan. Man. ServerParametersEnable. Security. Signature4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLan. Man. ServerParametersNull. Session. Pipes7,COMNAP,COMNODE,SQLQUERY,SPOOLSS,NETLOGON,LSARPC,SAMR,BROWSERMACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLan. Man. ServerParametersNull. Session. Shares7,COMCFG,DFSMACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLan. Man. ServerParametersRequire. Security. Signature4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLan. Man. ServerParametersRestrict. Null. Sess. Access4,1. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLanman. WorkstationParametersEnable. Plain. Text. Password4,0. MACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetServicesLanman. WorkstationParametersEnable. Security. Signature4,1. Batch script how to check for admin rights. More issues. As pointed out by Lectrode, if you try to run the net session command while the Server service is stopped, you receive the following error message The Server service is not started. More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2. In this case the error. Level variable will be set to 2. Note The Server service is not started while in Safe Mode with or without networking. Looking for an alternative. Something that can be run out of the box on Windows XP and later 3. Safe Mode. So I booted a vanilla Windows XP virtual machine and I started scrolling through the list of applications in the C WindowsSystem. After trials and errors, this is the dirty pun intended approach Ive come up with fsutil dirty query systemdrive nul. The fsutil dirty command requires admin rights to run, and will fail otherwise. The output is redirected to nul, thus ignored. The errorlevel variable will be set to 0 only upon successful execution. Here is what the documentation says Queries or sets a volumes dirty bit. When a volumes dirty bit is set, autochk automatically checks the volume for errors the next time the computer is restarted. Syntaxfsutil dirty query set lt Volume. Path. Parametersquery Queries the specified volumes dirty bit. Sets the specified volumes dirty bit. Volume. Path Specifies the drive name followed by a colon or GUID. Remarks. A volumes dirty bit indicates that the file system may be in an inconsistent state. The dirty bit can be set because The volume is online and it has outstanding changes. Changes were made to the volume and the computer was shut down before the changes were committed to the disk. Corruption was detected on the volume. If the dirty bit is set when the computer restarts, chkdsk runs to verify the file system integrity and to attempt to fix any issues with the volume. Examples. To query the dirty bit on drive C, type fsutil dirty query C. Further research. While the solution above works from Windows XP onwards, its worth adding that Windows 2. Windows PE Preinstalled Environment dont come with fsutil. During my previous tests I noticed that running the sfc command without any parameters would either result in an error, if you didnt have enough privileges a list of the available parameters and their usage. That is no parameters, no party. The idea is that we can parse the output and check if we got anything but an error sfc 2 1 find i SCANNOW nul. The error output is first redirected to the standard output, which is then piped to the find command. At this point we have to look for the only parameter that is supported in all Windows version since Windows 2. SCANNOW. The search is case insensitive, and the output is discarded by redirecting it to nul. Heres an excerpt from the documentation Scans and verifies the integrity of all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct versions. Remarks. You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group to run sfc. Sample Usage. Here are some paste and run examples Windows XP and laterecho off. Running with admin rights. Error Access denied. Windows 2. 00. 0 Windows PEecho off. Running with admin rights. Error Access denied. SCANNOW nul. Applies to. Windows 2. Windows XPWindows Vista. Windows 7. Windows 8.